About Tackle Maths – And Your Tutor Chris

Online Tutoring FaceLove it or hate it, everyone needs to get the best result they can in Mathematics. 

I’ve always loved the subject, especially seeing how all parts of Maths fit together. Seeing the connections can be the secret for tackling the subject and getting the best grade.

And that’s what I aim to do in my Maths online tutoring.  If I can help you, please use my contact page to send me a message. I tutor online only at present due to the situation with Corona Virus. I will restart face to face tuition (if  you live in North or West Leeds) when it is safe to do so

If you are interested, watch the sample lessons elsewhere on this website – then contact me by the contact page. I offer a free consultation session. 

In the diary I looking at areas of Maths I have studied with my students and answering exam questions. I will write about some of the common mistakes that students make. I will also look at maths in the news and take a look at the giants of mathematics, men and women.

If you would like to know more about what is involved in GCSE Maths, take a look at this page from EDEXCEL, one of the Examination Boards in England and Wales.

About Me 


Tackle Maths has been created for you by Chris Read. Chris has taught Maths from ‘Skills for Life’ to GCSE and A-Level – At Leeds City College and privately.He has a passion for improving the understanding of

Mathematics and tackling any issues people have in reaching their potential
He holds a BSc Hons in Mathematics, two teaching qualifications including a PGCE and a current DBS Certificate